Electrical Calibration
Fahud First has highly trained technicians and high-tech equipment, our electrical calibration provides results that will give you confidence in the capabilities of your electronic instruments. Our range of electrical or electronic calibration includes,
Digital Multi-meters
Analogue Multi-meters
Insulation Testers
High Voltage Insulation testers
Earth Testers
High Voltage Testers
Clamp Meters
Scope Meters
DC Power Supply units
Primary current injection Test Sets
Secondary Current Injection Test Sets
High Voltage Test Sets
Holiday Detectors
Pin Hole Detector’s
Multifunction calibrators
mA/mV calibrators
Loop Calibrators etc.
PH Meter
Conductivity Meter
Dissolved Oxygen Meter
Photo Tachometer
Sound Level Meter
General Construction Lab Calibration has individual documented procedures that are followed for each make and model of instrument receiving electrical calibration to ensure standardised testing. The instrument manufacturers’ “accuracies